I recently had a paper published in an independent student journal, Anthropolitique. It's run by the Anthropological Issues Group (AIG) at Guelph. I originally wrote the paper for my final assignment in one of my anthropology courses, which I absolutely loved and gave me a much wider perspective on the world than I would have otherwise gotten from my undergrad. My prof, Renee Sylvain, told the students running the journal about my paper, so they asked me to submit it. I was so flattered at the time, but I have to give most of the credit to the prof, since a lot of the ideas either came from her lectures or were inspired by them.
Okay, enough mush -- if you're into global indigenous rights activism, or have an assignment to do and would really like to procrastinate instead, go to http://www.uoguelph.ca/~anthro/anthropolitique.htm and click on the Full Online Edition. My paper is first on the table of contents, after the introductory pages.
If you're too lazy to copy and paste the above URL into your browser window, you can also find it in the Links section on the right of this page.
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