Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Online media project 2007-08

The fruits of our labour from our online media course are finally here! We spent the fall semester learning about all the ways online media are different from traditional newspapers and broadcast news, how they work and how to use them to your advantage when presenting a piece of work. It was a really interesting course, and we got to practice it by splitting into groups to create several online projects. My group did a series of stories on adoption law in Ontario, which was under fire last fall when the provincial superior court struck down an act that would have given people much more access to past adoption records. It was a really interesting project on the level of the politics and legalities involved, but it was also interesting to see the stories of actual adoptees and adoptive parents. So check out our site and all the other projects from our class!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Final issue of The Reporter

The much-anticipated Features Edition of The Reporter is here! All of us have been working on our major feature stories for print class for months now, and the last issue of The Reporter is made up of all those stories. Some of them have also been published elsewhere, or may be published sometime soon, but for now you can see my story on the Biotron here.

The Biotron's superhuman capabilities meet human obstacles

Only one more week left of journalism school. It's ridiculous that it's been a whole year already. Time to move on to bigger and better things?? Well, time to move on, at least... to what, who knows.