Wednesday, February 25, 2009

If you've ever wondered what I do at my job....

...check out one of our recent newsletters, the Red Ball Report. We're currently working on the next issue, which should be out within a month, but this one gives a really good overview of who we are, what we do, and where we work.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Live-blogging the 2009 Oscars

7:11 pm
James Franco, posing for photos with unidentified blonde. My night is already complete.

7:12 pm
SJP calls her dress "barely mint"... Dior haute couture. Ryan Seacrest calls Matthew Broderick's suit "barely black". I call his greasy highlighted hair "disturbing".

7:14 pm
Seth Rogen calls SJP "every girl's worst nightmare". Complimentary or no? He questions whether he should get fat again for his next Hollywood role. As long as he keeps his black square-frame glasses, I don't care how pudgy he gets.

7:15 pm
Anne Hathaway is wearing something silver and sparkling and looks really thin. I am neither amused nor particularly impressed. Bad news.

Switch over to the Barbara Walters Special to see what's -- Omigod. Ohhhh my god. Baba Wawa just said sex... in front of Anne Hathaway. Anne, on the other hand, just justified my love for her by saying she would feel "just fine" if she never got married because she has no complaints about her life. But she does want children.

And then she called Barbara "Baba" to her face. I now love her even more.