Friday, July 24, 2009

When guys become girls: Faux-tranny ad campaign

The T-word. Beyond your average four-letter words, this six-letter behemoth has inspired universal fear and embarrassment among men for decades. And yet an ad campaign has a 16-year-old guy not only saying the word, but buying the product.

The word... is tampon.

This year's award for Most Bizarre Ad Campaign Ever has to go to Tampax. The Globe and Mail posted a story today about the company's creation, a teenager named Zack, who randomly wakes up one morning with a vajajay instead of his usual equipment. Now Zack must deal with all the delightful side effects that come along with being a Woman, and purchase his very own products:

"I arrived at that point in every man with a vagina's life, when he leaves home and goes out into the world to buy his own damn tampons."

This from the fictional Zack's online diary, which is accompanied by his very own Twitter feed and YouTube channel.


As the Globe points out, there is a chance this ad campaign (which has apparently been going on since April, so... good job, marketers?) may anger young girls, or grown women, who do have to actually deal with this crap in real life, and may not take kindly to the male gender pretending to complain about it and then throwing down their tampons with glee, shouting, "I was just kidding! I don't have my period! I'm STILL A MAN!"

But there could be positive impacts to this campaign too. Maybe men will not only stop gloating about how easy they've got it, body-wise, and just bring us a damn latte at opportune moments. MAYBE, just maybe, those men who are in relationships with a woman will see these ads and realize that buying a pack of tampons for one's significant other on occasion is not the worst thing in the world.

Yeah. And maybe Sarah Palin will join the Democrats.

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